Sunday, November 22, 2015

The cutie

We decided to make a felt tree, ornaments, lights and presents for the cutie.  I used the felt board when home schooling the boys and kept it ;-) It folds up so that we can put it out of the way.

Here she is looking at me and repeating 'ornament' ;-)  She would get the snowman ones and hugs them.  Too cute. 

She loved the stars because we have a book here that has the noon and stars in it.  We read it a lot. 


  1. what a great idea!!! i think i may have to do that!

  2. She had a blast and it was so simple to do. ;-)

  3. Great idea! What fun! And The Cutie just keeps getting cuter! :-)
    I've always loved flannel/felt boards and the pieces to put on them!
    Carolyn :-)

  4. She does indeed. She's a quick learner too. Love and thankful hugs.
